Gambling is the act of betting something of worth on an unpredictable event with the aim of winning something other than what has been beted on with the same object. With that in mind, gambling takes three elements for it to occur: risk, consideration, and a reward. Considering the risk element, all forms of gambling involve some element of chance. For example, in a game of basketball where one team is favored to win, the followers of such team will probably go home with something in their pockets or as compensation for such favor. Thus, there is a chance for gambling.
In order to reduce the chance of encountering such unlikely events, people should look at gambling as a form of chance appreciation, which in turn would make the event more likely to happen. To do this, the individual should develop a habit of looking at gambling from a healthier perspective. Instead of depending on their luck at the wheel, gamblers should give themselves and their money to better chances at winning. This means they should use credit cards and stop gambling with them.
Credit cards, unlike real money, are generally not convertible. Gambling with them therefore means that one will put oneself in a position wherein they are more likely to lose money than win it. Credit card companies, however, may grant bonuses when a specified time frame has been met after making a purchase. These bonuses, however, are given out to gamblers that have been at the casino for a specified amount of time. Thus, if a gambler delays his payment, he might suffer a penalty or forfeit all the bonus money he acquired.
If gambling with credit cards is a sin, so is betting on anything, even on sports. Both involve the same act, but gambling involves more chance than betting on something that does not have inherent odds. For example, it would be easier to gamble on lottery tickets than on an obscure soccer team. In gambling, there is no such thing as knowing what you are getting into. As such, many gamblers never engage in gambling again because they find it extremely hard to believe that they would be able to lose everything that they put into it.
However, not all gambling activities are as easy as the above statement suggests. There are times when a gambler makes a mistake, loses money or gets pulled into a bad situation. In these cases, a person should not feel as if gambling has damaged his or her finances or health. A person who engages in gambling activities should be willing to change gambling habits, change his or her spending habits and make other changes if gambling problems are found.
Unfortunately, not all people suffering from gambling problems are willing to do so. Those that do have gambling problems often feel that they need to hide from others, that they cannot admit to being gamblers or that they are addicted to gambling. Gamblers need to realize that the problem is not theirs but the person’s own. If a person is willing to acknowledge gambling problems and take action, then he or she may be able to overcome a problem gambling addiction.